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Aptitude Test - Know Yourself

Apr 12, 2021

It it very important to know ourself well. In my career I have constantly try to figure out what do I want to do and what is suitable for me. Since secondary school time I have started to think hard on what I want to be in the future. i have Done a lot of activities and jobs and work in different fields and I learned that passion is very important. I simply need to love what I am doing.

The attraction shows how much you enjoy acquiring knowledge. As a result of this you seem prepared to devoted a great deal of time to study and the careers which appeal to you generally need academic, professional or special qualifications.

At school, you would have preferred scientific subjects, particularly the main-stream diciplines of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. You will have enjoyed objective problem solving and being able to sift through information in order to draw conclusions. You will have enjoyed experimenting and working with formulae.

Careers in this category: astronomer, bacteriologist, botanist, chemist, dietitian, mathematician, microbiologist, physicist, surgeon, computer scientist Literary

You are attracted by carriers involving words, ideas and communication. You will be happy reading or writing a lot - probably both. Other interests or activities might also appeal, but these can be saved for leisure time. It is with a literary activity that you want to spend most of your time.

You may be able to combine these preferences in a career which fuses science with art. In this case, you are likely to be high qualified: you will be one of the lucky few who are very highly specialized and for whom there are careers available. Most careers will be in an academic or educational environment. If your background is in research you may also have a literary talent which allows you to write about your subject. Additional personal skills would be required if you are to be successful in presenting your work to others as a lecturer or trainer.

Knowing yourself is important. It helps you to keep focus on your lifelong journey.

My Recommendation : Please Go Through this free Course and you will get to learn a lot. about mind set, attitude and other stuffs.. Click here