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Luck V/S Law . Success is always guaranteed if you follows the law of success ...

Mar 30, 2022

Please have a look at the picture and read the contents i wrote..

Warning : the write ups in the image will not make much sense unless 

you read the full articles.

End Result : if you do read full. You will get a clear idea why believing in mere luck is such a shit idea...

and start working on how to convert your luck into real tangible things you desire to get in life.. 

So let's begin without wasting any time ......:) 

How many of you do not believe in luck ?

I guess, none....isn't it ?

I used to believe it but no more.....

Let me explain why I say what I say...

earlier i used to dream about something and then pray to god that 

it should come to me if I'm lucky. Unfortunately i never got what i dreamed 

about and expecting to come just dreaming..

I used to worry and started doubting this concept of luck...

after going through hundreds of books, seminars and courses ..i found that there is no such thing as luck..

everything in this universe is governed by law and not luck...

like there is law of gravitational , law of action and reaction, law conservations, law of newton's..

there is a law of getting our dreams, desires and goals fulfilled...

Please understand : ( see the picture carefully..i have written there as well ) 

01. We live in a world with Spiritual energy....

02. we live in a physical body..

03. we have a marvelous mind..

Now...we have an intellectual mind { IM }, that we use to build & create ideas & thoughts and vivid pictures 

in our imaginations using raw material called spiritual energy from the universe

Means SE-> ( IM)- > Ideas & Thoughts + Images..

Using our mental faculties we convert spiritual energy into ideas , thoughts and pictures and pass on to the Subconscious 

mind which has to accept and work upon it..our conscious mind gets signals from the environment using 5 senses ..

it can hear, see, feel, touch and taste..

Once the subconscious receives these ideas , thoughts it starts vibrating and emits certain frequencies which creates certain emotions and 

feelings into our body. Because the subconscious mind is in every cell of our body...

Now if you can see in the picture...plz see..T->F->A->R , your thoughts create feelings and feelings lead you to take actions with the help of your physical body...

when you take action, you get the results...that's's not rocket science to understand it once you decide to spend some time and do your own study..

now if it's so easy. Why peoples don't get success in life and keep struggling...

Well, it's because they are not clear about their inner self. They don't have a clear picture of their mind. The most powerful tool/weapon you have in your arsenal..

As some wise person said. When people don't have a clear image, people will perish..

and that is the reason. If you don't have a clear image of our own mind and do not know how it works. We will keep suffering...that's as simple as that..

Now let's do reverse engineering the success formula { TFAR ) I have mentioned above and simplify it further..

to get result( R) you need to take action ( A )...and you take action based on the feelings ( F) and emotions you are in at a particular time..

and you get feelings and emotions based on the vibration and frequencies your body is in due to the thoughts { T } and ideas you have put into your subconscious mind...

That get the result you must start thinking about positive results...right ?

That is how the law of success works my friends...all successful people understand this and they use the same law that works for them..

there is no such thing as have to create the luck using the law of nature...and that is why i always say that success can always be created 

there is no chance that you follow the law of nature for your success and you don't get it... 

Yes, it may take a little while and a strange form of result...but it's certain...

As a human being, we certainly have a self consciousness that is we are aware about our subjective world...

that is apart from animal awareness { Normal awareness } ..we have intellectual power which makes us far more powerful than animals..

a few happy, wealthy and successful people even have better awareness that cosmic or higher awareness...

they have the power of sixth sense and use their instinct and gut feelings to take actions and hence results..  

So in a nutshell. Your success and results in life depends on your thoughts. Which you can control and guide using your conscious mind..

A tragedy with most of us is that. We let our present results and problems affect our decisions...that is a big and dangerous problem...

because as per law. Our present result of our past thought which we created and passed on to our subconscious mind and hence we got the present results..

solution ?

very easy....

don't let your present condition affect your thoughts..

Even if you are poor or sick...think of riches and healthy life so that your subconscious mind works on 

them and starts giving you positive feelings and vibrations and hence good results..

that's it...

most of the people of this world don't believe in this law. And hence they never do and the result you can already see..

only 5% of the world population is really rich and happy. Rest are just spending their life...

I don't claim to be an expert about the entire mechanism...but I wished to share with you what I read and understand about the subject..

I make it a point to share what I learn from podcasts or books or seminars or books as I believe that sharing is caring..

Now if you like this...please share with some of your known friends...





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