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Misconception About the Success :

Apr 20, 2021

When it comes to success, It is very Shocking and Surprising that most of the people are ignorant of real stuff. and worst thing is that most of them wants to live by this belief.

so in this article i will try to articulate what i mean by success. For the sake of easy understanding, will will start what the real success not which most people think so.

  • Owning the big Home
  • owing only Huge Money
  • Being a wealthy
  • owning a big corporates Title
  • Having a Corner office in a beach front building.
  • owing shiny materialistic things....
  • ......and many many more....

My Recommendation : Please Go Through this free Course and you will get to learn a lot. about mind set, attitude and other stuffs.. Click here

Now Please Note that i am not against owing all these and enjoying fact i am highly in favor of this way of living that is call fully living .......however i am totally against with the statement that owing all the above stuffs' is the indication of a success in life.

Now i let me tell you what is the real success that every one should aspire for.

  • the real success is reached when one is in inner peace & satisfaction
  • having your own Set of Value and Principles and living with them
  • having a healthy & happy relationship with your family .
  • a mind set of Adding Value to Other peoples life.
  • An Attitude of serving
  • When you becomes Producer rather then consumer of Goods, Services or what ever...that day you can consider yourself successful .

in nut shell. Success have its own version for different people in wrong way . so there can not be a one definition of success if you ask in One Word. However For all people who are really success concise and really wish to get it and spend time , talent and other recourses to earn it...the meaning of real Success is one only and that is " the stage where you are adding value to millions of peoples and helping them to lead a better life. because when you do that, you rises above your self or your family. the scope your your family gets extended from few members to a large number.

i was of the same view earlier that keeping my wife happy and then kids is all i have to do for claiming my self a successful person. but i was wrong. now i started feeling it and taking action to achieve it.

out of so many steps you can take to move towards it....developing daily skills and learning new stuff's daily is what we should do. because as per law of nature. We can only give what we have. and the best thing to give is the education to people who can become independent by your teaching to them. as my Virtual Guru Robert Kiyosaki says...." When you offer a fish to some one needy. You feed him for once. But when you teach him how to fish, you feed him entire life..." not only this..i would go a step further and say that when you educate some one you may end up education so many others as well by the help of him by effect of cascading.

and that is the reason i am on a mission to motivate as many people as possible to get more and more educated to real and practical skills. i am not totally against our formal or traditionally education system. But to be honest, i don't believe we should be rely on that for real success in our life. because it don't work. and it does not serve the economy as well. i don't wish to go into that deep into this...but all i request you is that please starting education and learning on daily basis.

My Recommendation : 

As usual i will recommend you to take some courses from so many trainers and coaches...Please Go Through this free Course and you will get to learn a lot. about mind set, attitude and other stuffs.Click here