Quality of living V/s Quality of life...

Jul 03, 2022

Read it, understand it and implement it and you will see drastic chnage in your life..

Quality of living and 
There is a 
Quality of life... 

I was like a dumb to understand the difference between these two a couple of years ago.. 

No one teach me in my pre school.. 
Not In high school 
Neither in my college at IIT.. 
Neither been thought by any religious , political system...

And after my half life..i got real meaning of this..

However I am true beleiver that succès and knowledge is alwaways good..howver sooner you get them, longer you enjoys them..

So, coming back to difference in quality of life and living.. 
Let me explain my own version... And you may have your own.. Not necessarily agree with me. 
What I think is that.. Quality of life is a inner game..it has nothing to do with outer world.. 

To have a good quality of life you don't have to have big beach facing house, fancy watches, luxury cars etc.. It just needs your pure souls, hearts , kindness, love ans respect... That gives you peace and makes this world more beautiful place to leave   .. It's the way of thinking and living this world a better place them you found at the time of birth.. 

I have couple of names coming to my mind who are people with quality of life like Mahatma Gandhi, ibrahim Lincoln, Luther King, Nelson Mandela... And of course dalai lama to name a few... 

They never had lots of physical possession... They were always filled with passion to make transformation to this world.. 
They never needed external stufffs to make there life better.. Yet with poor and very least external possessions these great people made big changes to this world and humanity.. 

And quality of living is a fake version of showy and selfish people who always play the games to acquire external physical possessions aka toys to make there life dependent on them.. They are self centered people and never inner fulfilled.. 

They never thinks about peace of mind.. They are outer directed people.. 
There happiness and satisfaction is alwys depends on external circumstances and people.. And hence they will always be at the mercy of others.. 

Now don't take me wrong.. Having lots of money and possessions is a good thing.. In fact very necessarily stuff... But only as long as U understand what you do with it and know how to handle it and what you do with it.. 

Also you should very clearly know how to acquire it and when enough is enough..

With this... I wish you a good day ahead... 

To Your Success always... 

Good Luck... 

With Love & Regards 
Smile indian Foundation


P. S: 
01. Don't forget HWR ( your personal mastry tool) .. It's Health  , Wealth and Relationship.. 

02.  Can you think in terms of 3T ( Social contribution Tools) Concept .. Time, Talent and Treasurer...for more You can check with hashtag #ramjeetv 

02. Always keep a A.S.K. ( the Success secret tool) Card in your Pocket... ( this is so effective tools that i will write about this in details some time in ...) For now.. Let me break it down.. 

A is Ask and you shall get it.. 
S is seek and you shall find it 
K is knock and it shall be open unto you..

More on this later... Sorry.. :) 

02. Adopt Daily "G.I.V.E.R." - practice.. Takes hardly 1 hours but makes staggering difference in life.. 

Ok... Ok... No more suspense.. 


G : Gratification : be grateful for the things you already have in your life.. So that more will come..be loveable and attractive to get more.. 

I: Imagination : more powerful then knowledge... See in imagination before you see in
 real... It works. It's law of nature  

V: Visualization : Bring the future u desire in your present and crate the feeling and vibration in your body.. Which makes your habit and leads to take action and hence result in our life.. 

E: Exercise : at least 30 mnts à day for 5 days a week ... It's Food for your Health Pillar in my HWR model.. 

R:  Reading... Daily at least one hour . .. It's food for your mind  . Most of us feed out body below neck... And never pays attention above the neck.. That is our brain.. Or mind.. Or head.. 

03. Don't Forget to Carry à physical or an audio book with you wherever you go.. ( it's difficult at start.. But becomes a beautiful habit.. You will love it... ( And dont worry... You can thank me later :) ) 

04. If you spend most time in car.. Have a audio book in car.. Let's make your car a " Traffic university." .. Don't Get Affected by the external distrubances like traffic and boaring in the way.. 

05. Establish an habit of measuring Daily task.. Just reflect for 5-10 mnts before bed time... 

06. And write a journal daily...