Carrer Wealth Business Development

School V/S Street Smartness of Kids

May 02, 2022
I always advocate the fact that street smartness always beats the school smartness... 
And it's never been so important then now a days as the world is in uncertainty and volatile States.. 

Job market is trembling not because job seekers are unavailable... It's because they are lacking the real skills that can make the real difference to this new changed world.. 

I am not sure how long it will take before we parents understand this reality...

Still we are sending our kids to old age school keeping in mind that more marks will make them more intelligent and then more success .. 

Yes.... More marks may be great to show on mark sheet... 

More marks may make you feel better and kids more intelligent... 

But mere Intelligence does brings the needed value to market place and community.. 

The world needs more street smart kids and real people with real mind set... 

Plz don't criticize your kids.. If they don't gets good marks in traditional schools and not able to make you proud.. ( that is of course temporary any ways) 

If your kids show unusual intérêt in some thing unusual.. That's beyong your understanding and imagination.. Think before you kills there imotions... 

May be for time being... You can shut their mouth because you have earned more years and a tag of their parent...but the seeds of this new born interest will keep ik their mind for long time and when gets next opportunity.. It will germinate and may take undesirable shape if you are not able to handle... 

So before you kills there aspirations and new born dream and emotions... Take some time and think... 

Think about the new time.. New age.. New test and era.. 

We are old model and simply can imposed out thoughts on our kids. Neither we can expect them to think and act the way we do.. 

So best choice that we are left with is.. First learn our self the new trends.. Market and future that are kuda are going to live in.. 

By doing doing this.. We can do a great favor to our kids.. And be their friends.. Mentors and lovely parents.. 

Understanding the intentions, of kids and inspiring them to their real desire , dreams should be the top priority of we parents... 

For me.. getting top marks by my kids in school is never first priority. Though its good if they gets good marks.. But i feel even better when they do show interest in real activates like.. Writing journal, reading books.., making lots friends, helping other kids and talking to them on unusual subjects..., making videos and putting there little ideas on social media.. And then getting excited on even a single like or comments.. That puts me on high states of mind and i feels more energize.. 

Remember... It's not high paying job that can bring real happiness to life.. It's one of many other... 

Serornt real field for our kids.. Is the starting point of success, happiness and satisfied life for our coming generation.. 

It's no longer a choice... But necessity... Dont ignore it... 

With time.. We have to change.. 

It's law of nature... As it's abhore the void... 

For a time beingh, we can ignore and by pass the laws made by mens... But not the law of nature.. 

Most of us spend out life being in average and never realise that we could have done much much better...its this gape that more and more people needs to capatalise.. 

The day more parents starts to understand this... More families will be in happy states.. 
