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Why The " law The vital few and the Trivial Many" is For you ?

Jan 09, 2023

This was also known as "the vital few and the trivial many."

" In later years, Juran recoined the Pareto Principle as the 80/20 Rule. The 80/20 Rule means that in anything a few (20%) are vital and many (80%) are trivial. In Juran's initial work, he identified 20% of the defects causing 80% of the problems "

"There will always be more to do....More then you can do"..
hence, you have to decide what is most important to do..

What task you values most..

For example, I value more about reading, learning, getting more frsh ideas that leads me to get into refreshing mood..

So no matter what happens to the world around me.. I do make it a priority to give at least 2 hours a day for reading..

And if I consider getting everything on my list to complete and then read... I will never be able to pick a book and finish in my life time..

So, don't worry... About bulk of task.. Take it easy...

Just pick of handful but most valuable task ans work on them..

Because in life only few activities only matters...

There are people who adopts 4D concepts..

That is Delete, delay, delegates and Do..

Means they only do 20% tasks.. And don't even see rest 80%

And these are people who are happy, wealthy and have peace of mind, satisfied and fulfilled..

So.. Start reflecting on this..

Be effective then efficient...

Do few important and not so urgent job..

Always keep in mind that... For every unimportant task we do , we are living behind an important task.. That could have a dramatic positive impact on our life...

So doing few yet most important task are far far better and beneficial then doing millions of junk task... so Stop it...