
Women : Contributors or liability ?

Dec 09, 2021

i am so much worried about the destructive mindset of woman and men's that i just spend hours of time just to think , why these peoples do what they do.

and after long and hard work, i came to know some of the worst habitual attitude of the peoples that leads them to a condition in their life that they gives up and compelled to take a worst decision that know one wants even to think about.

Have you seen women's who are doing a great jobs in terms of Employees , social services or as an enterprisers { Contributors } . i am sure you have seen such women's. there are plenty of and without any doubts they are an asset to there family, friends, society, country and to this world as w whole.

this world is beautiful because few people in this world do a hard work to make it so...

however with passing time, more and more peoples are becoming so ungrateful towards the small or big treasure this world has to offer them on day to day basis.

Now let's say other type of women's { Responsible } : the Women's who are house wife's , taking care of there kids, husbands, and parents. now of course, such women's can not be expected to start a business or to look out for an job opportunity due to there incompetence due to there limited education at there earlier age for what ever the reasons.

and finally let's take women's who have spend there earlier 15-18 years of time { destructive } , a huge money, Energy and efforts of self & their parents plus emotional high expectation of all there well wishers, near and dear to get settled and do some thing in there life that they can be proud of.

so, here we have three categories of women's

1) Contributors :

2) Responsible :

3) distractors :

so lets take first : women in our society who are Contributors at gross level:

these are the women's who understand there ability, capability and are able to find the power within and now they are out of the house to deliver value in society in the form of jobs. social services or business. not only this, they do take care of there kids, family and are able to maintain healthy relationship with their spouses and all other closed peoples .

these women's understand that, its there duty to do justice with what they have received in terms of all education, and expectations of peoples close to them. and above this, they understand the power that comes through serving the society by there earned knowledge and education and skills . they truly know the impact and result of there values they can contribute to society and satisfaction and fulfilment they receives by doing some thing towards well being of others with value they provide. by doing this they raise there own self confidence, self-esteem and raise above narrow and patty mind set. in short they liberates themselves.

other benefits that comes to such women's is that , other peoples see them with respect, look upon them as a motivation source and get inspired by them. these women's create positive vibes all around, which results in over all well being of the society. peoples always wants to be around such women's. they seeks their advice and seek to be like them.

not to mention, such women's are assets not only to there family, relatives, friends , organization but to our nation as well. because they are contributor in terms of services, positive energy , inspiration and motivation source to so many others.

i personally love , adore and respect such women's from bottom of my heart. we needs more and more such women's' in our society.

2nd categories of women is Responsible :

there are the women's who could not get there initial education for whatsoever reason. it may be the poor financial condition of there parents, lack of resources ,unawareness about the education or society restrictions.... what ever be the reason...however they are doing wonderful job in terms of the work they are doing like upbringing there kids, taking care of all family members , maintaining home and so many other activities in family. why i say they are doing so good is because under the available recourses and knowledge they are doing best with what they have. the problem comes when you are underdoing with what you have.

an important think to notice here is that , limited education does not stop any women's to shift to contributors category, this world is full of examples with men and women who have done so well even without any formal education.

all i wish to say is that, these types of women can not be expectation to perform like women in Contributor category.

3rd categories of women is distractors :

in my opinion, this is the type of women's who are highly dangerous to family, Husband, society and even to economy. { please don't get heart with my blatant statement , you can have your own views..i am ok with that }

  • these are the women's who think and believes that it's ok, to invest/waste the money on their education and then stay at home.
  • these are the women's who think and believes that it's ok, to kills all expectations of their parents { if any }, husbands, friends and society.
  • these are the women's who think and believes that it's ok, to be a house wife with so much education on the name..
  • these are the women's who think and believes that it's ok, to stay at home and live there entire life depending on some one other
  • these are the women's who think and believes that it's ok, to pass on the whole responsibility to there husband and be helpless in case of worst situation..
  • these are the women's who think and believes that it's ok, to stay as a consumer in economy and not to contribute to the society..

i can keep on going with the dead symptoms of such type of women's.

i have seen the cases where a husband is working days and nights to their ass to feed the family and a wife who is highly educated is seating with closed eye and expecting every thing to be done by husband.

worst happens when husband request her to help him and she is not ready to act. they are filled with a mind set that it is husbands responsibility to manage all this stuffs.

now i doubt, a husband have ever been imagines such a situation attitude of wife when they were about to get engaged or marry. may be he chose such girl just for her education that time thinking that if needed she can help her and join him to fight with tough times .

but you know what ? out of attitude problems such women's will never do any thing. and in many times, i have found that the very parents who once did forced their girl for education before marriage have become so cold after marriage that they don't care to even show there agreement with the husband of that girl about her attitude towards this . this is the mentality of parents and clearly show that they wants to educate there daughter just to get a dummy degree to attract a able boy. and as soon as its done...they forget every its ok for them even if their daughter act as a liability on the shoulder of their husband

dear readers...please note that this article does not target to every women. there are cases where wife does not do any thing despite very high education and skills. it may be because her husband is doing well and they are happy mutually { like me of course : ) } such cases are not my point here..

all i wish to express here is that, there are so many women's in our society who are highly educated and are capable to deliver good value in society , economy and to country and the world but they do not because of there negative attitude...despite their husband's wish, they don't wants to do any thing...and expect every thing free ...

now there might be women well wishers of social workers or activists that can challenge me saying that a women's do so much work at home, cooking , taking care of kids and bla bla...

now if they think, that such a highly educated women's talent should be used for such a nitty and grity stuffs..then i salute you and your ideas...i don't think you can't arrange some most effective way to handle all this and put the right assets on work ...

for me its just a waste of national recourses... its a sure shot way of wasting and killing so many dreams in our society..

not only that , but such an attitude is destroying hundred of families on daily basis all across the world...

let me be very clear about this post that, in no ways i am biased with women's or men's...its just my way of seeing things..

i do believe that more and more women's should come forward to save the breaking hearts daily. lets be example for so many others and show that you can also be a contributor to nation and this entire world..

idea of this article came to my mind when i saw one of my friend, whose family is almost at the point of break apart because his wife don't wants to grow her self...he wants het to earn her respect and self-esteem...but she does not care and do nothing except acting life a uneducated women...

Note : all views expressed here are my personal after observing so many life's around please don't write me back if you feel that it is hearting you or your wife : )